
How do I cancel my Pro subscription?

Google Play Store

If you purchased the Pro subscription through Google Play, 

  1. Go to
  2. Find the subscription you want to cancel. 
  3. Click Cancel Subscription

Important: Uninstalling an app will not automatically stop your subscription. You must cancel your subscription to end your subscription. If you uninstall the app without canceling your subscription, you will still be charged. If an app you've purchased a subscription for is removed from Google Play, your future subscription will be automatically canceled but past subscriptions will not be refunded.

Access after you cancel

When you cancel a subscription you will still have access to your subscription for the remainder of time you have already paid for. 

For example, if you purchased a one-year subscription on Jan. 1 for $10 and decide to cancel your subscription on July 1, you will have access to the subscription until Dec. 31. But you will not be charged another yearly subscription of $10 the following Jan. 1.

Refunds for Google Play subscriptions

For information on subscription refunds, see returns and refunds on Google Play.

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