
How do I share my Grocery List?

If you're married, have a significant other, or simply a roommate, you now have the ability to share a common Grocery List and Meal Plan. This lets each of you add items to list wherever and whenever you'd like, and when the other shopper is at the grocery store, they'll see the full list of items -- no need to call, text, or run back to the house to grab the list. It's right there on your phone, updated in real time.

To share your Grocery List and Meal Planer with another BigOven user, visit the Account page and select the "Account" tab. Under the Household section, enter in the other user's email address and click "Invite to my household." The person you're inviting will receive an email to join -- after they accept, you're all set! Any one change will automatically sync across all linked devices.

If you'd like to share a copy of your Grocery List with someone, visit the Grocery List page and select the mail icon located near the top of the screen. Pro users can share their Grocery List via text message -- simply select the mobile icon, and you're Grocery List will deliver within seconds.

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